Bett2020 100
In this series I will be writing about my experiences of Bett2020 – products, impressions – in vignettes of exactly 100 words. Why 100 words? Because I wanted to see whether or not it was possible. I will try where appropriate to provide links to further information.
Dot Com Digital from 2Simple reminded me of the Think You Know website, with its cartoon-based resources. Although, as far as I know, there are no explicit links between the two sets of resources, what they have in common (apart from appearance) is that both have been developed in collaboration with the police. This is a good thing because the police have first hand experience of what can happen if issues aren't picked up early enough.
Dot Com models behaviour for children, and helps them notice their feelings and talk about them, so it addresses wellbeing too. Worth exploring further.
Updated — Explore helps teachers to analyse how children are reading.
Python in Pieces is a visual interface for the Python programming language.
Is a virtual school a way of enabling schools (and school districts) to provide a full curriculum given the teacher shortages in key subjects?
Developed in conjunction with the police, this product for primary (elementary) school children addresses both safeguarding and wellbeing.
I have my doubts about whether building a 3d model is helpful beyond a certain age, but it has a certain appeal.
Some time ago I compiled a list of ways in which pupils could be unsafe online. The list was extremely long….
The issue of scalability is not confined to cost considerations, but time as well.
Walking around the Bett Show and looking at products and services, I was reminded (as ever) of the need to keep scalability in mind.