Examples of how not to try and sell a product or an idea.
Read MoreSomething ain’t right, by Terry Freedman
Something ain’t right, by Terry Freedman
Examples of how not to try and sell a product or an idea.
Read Moreit is clearly important to ensure that pupils understand not just the mechanics of mail-merging, but the importance of checking the data that is generated.
Read MoreIf you, as a Head of Computing, or leader of Computing in a primary school, created an ebook containing your scheme(s) of work, information about the courses you offer, perhaps some staff biographies (with photos), that would be a great marketing tool.
Read MoreCould it be worth compiling case studies of success stories of people who have used education technology or completed a Computing course in your school?
Read MoreImage by Gerd Altmann
When I took up a senior management position in a local authority, an irate headteacher phoned me on my second day. She had had her laptop taken away for repairs two weeks ago, and had heard nothing since. I told her I’d look into it. I had the following conversation with the relevant team…
Read MoreThe original version of this article was first published on the Bee Digital marketing website in August 2021, and was aimed at businesses. In this updated version I’ve added some thoughts on how the ethos of the book might be adapted by leaders of Computing or co-ordinators of education technology in schools.
Read MoreI was once offered discounts on buying a suite of computers for my school if I persuaded my colleagues to take out an insurance policy!
Read MoreThis article was originally published on the Bee Digital Marketing website. Although it was mainly aimed at companies, many of the principles apply to anyone wanting to implement a new application in school.
Read MoreIt seems to me that one of the most important skills a salesperson should possess is to be able to listen. Yet some salespeople and technical support people launch into a script or a flowchart when you call the company, or when you meet them.
Read MoreThe answer to the question “Who is responsible for a company’s image (or a school’s image)?” is, of course, everyone who works for it. But what does this mean in practice?
Read MoreIf you sell a similar product or service to that of another company, what is it that makes yours stand out?
Read MoreEbooks are the perfect medium for “going niche”. In this article I look at the main benefits to your business.
Read MoreWhat are the attributes of a good newsletter, and what should it contain? The list in this article will, hopefully, give you some ideas.
Read MoreIf you sell a similar product or service to that of another company, what is it that makes yours stand out?
Read MoreIf you’re a teacher, and especially if you’re a head of department, ebooks are a great way of making available key information.
Read MoreIn my experience, it’s quite nerve-racking to seek customer feedback. I mean, what if they say the product sucks, but that they have to use it because there’s not much of an alternative?
Read MoreOnce a school buys your product or service, a newsletter is a great way of keeping them informed of new developments. In this article, we look at what kind of content works well.
Read MoreThe next time you’re looking for a book on Amazon, spend some time perusing the one-star reviews.
Read MoreIt’s all very well writing about the features and benefits of your product, but how do potential buyers know what it would be like to use in practice?
Read MoreA few years ago I read a review of a new product in a popular technology magazine, and by the end of the article, I had a pretty good idea of whether or not the product was any good.
The only thing I hadn’t managed to find out was what it actually did.
Read More(c) Terry Freedman All Rights Reserved