Analysis of a poster

Actually, the title is a bit of a misnomer because I don’t intend to analyse this poster! I thought it might be something to discuss with students from an ICT point of view. I saw it whilst travelling on a Docklands Light Rail train recently, and quite liked it. Your literacy colleagues may be interested too – can they spot the grammatical error?!

It's eye-catching, but is it effective?Here are the kinds of questions you might consider:

  • Is it fit for purpose?
  • Why/why not?
  • Why has the photograph in the poster been done in the way it has?
  • How might that photo have been created? Perhaps your students could create a picture like it.
  • Several font styles have been used. Is this effective or distracting?
  • Who is the audience at which this poster is aimed?
  • How else could the message have been put across if the choice of medium was not limited?
  • Oh, and that grammatical error: could it have been deliberate, since that is how most people speak?
  • In the light of the answers to these questions, what Level of the ICT Programme of Study does this seem to equate to?

Have fun!