<Yawn> <Groan><zzz><Snort><Grunt> If that’s the sort of thing that greets you when you tell a class that “we’re going to be looking at spreadsheets”, then maybe – just maybe – you ain’t doing it right. I mean, I think spreadsheets can be exciting, a window into some really lively discussion. OK, I admit it: I don’t get out nearly as much as I should, but even so….
I think it comes down to three things:
- how one thinks about spreadsheets – are they really only glorified number-crunching machines?
- what you use them for;
- and how you present them.
There is a very lively discussion about spreadsheets across the curriculum on the Vital website (free registration required), and I will be talking about it this evening, at 8pm UK time – it’s in the evening, and it’s free, so no excuses! (Use the world clock to work out what time it is where you are.) Here’s the link. I’ll be talking for 15 minutes, and then discussing it for 15 minutes.