Unreliable information is worse than no information

informationI will never understand why so many people think that Wikipedia is OK to use for serious research on the grounds that it is mostly reliable. Mostly? Some years ago I posited the idea of a wiki timetable, in which people get to edit train timetables how they like. Some of the information displayed on the electronic noticeboards would probably be accurate some of the time. Useful, eh?

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A Map of the Internet

You are hereI recently discovered this map of the internet through Stephen Downes’ newsletter, OLDaily. Downes says, “It’s mostly eye-candy, but it’s good eye-candy”. I prefer to think of it as “interesting” eye-candy. It’s visually attractive, but what I find interesting is the fact that the descriptions are not necessarily value-free.

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Season’s Greetings from ICT in Education

I’m not sure how frequently I’m going to be writing here over the next couple of weeks. I hope to post some articles here, and possibly on My Writes and Writers’ Know-how. Anyway, I just wished to say thanks for reading this blog and I hope you all have a nice, restful, break.

I leave you with this Laurel and Hardy clip which made me smile. In itself, it has nothing at all to do with the current holidays

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ICT Posters: Credit Rating

CREDIT-PARENTSWhy do posters and notices in computer labs have to be so serious? Surely it just deters people from using the stuff?

I recall one school in which 10 seconds in the computer lab had you nervously looking around for the heavy mob: the walls were covered in posters telling you what was forbidden – forbidden! The general ambience was not improved by the bars on all the windows. Understandable, but even so….

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Would you have sex with a robot?

terry_dalek.jpgCan you envisage a time when human beings will have relationships with robots? You could argue that to some extent we already have a relationship with electronic things (in my case, a love-hate relationship!), but can you imagine a time when we might marry robots, or have sex with them?

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System failure: a true story

Last week I had to go to my mother's bank to sort something out. Thus it was that I entered into a sort of Escheresque landscape...

I used to bank there myself, but it is so dreadful I thought, in the end, I could do without the stress.

Anyway, before I went I ascertained what I would need by way of documentation. Of course, when I arrived, I was told that I needed something else. Here's how the conversation (well, some of it), went:

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