If you don't like wasting valuable time dealing with spam or horrible comments on your blog, do what I did: disable the commenting facility.
Read MoreWaspish behaviour. Picture from Pixabay. Licence: CCO
Intimidation in public life, and education technology
Should social media platforms be regarded as mere repositories of content, which by implication is thus not their responsibility, or publishers, subject to the same laws and restrictions as other publishing media, such as newspapers? This is one of the discussion points arising in this interesting report about the intimidation on social media of members of Parliament and other public figures. It's especially interesting given the fact that this week the German government brought into effect a new law regarding social media companies.
Read Moree-Safety and cyberbullying news
What’s happening in the world of e-safety, especially in the UK? Here are some interesting items from the November 2010 issue of Computers in Classrooms, the free e-newsletter for those with a professional interest in educational ICT. The items include:
- Research into types of bullying;
- Research into technology and behaviour;
- The Beat Bullying website; and
- Safer Internet Day and a competition from Childnet.