I’ve done a quick analysis of the entries received so far to my Issues for Ed Tech Leadership survey, and here are the results.
Initial findings
As you can see, top of the list is a lack of perception by colleagues of ICT’s importance in the curriculum. So, after all these years, we don’t seem to have an unequivocally wonderful job of convincing others of how technology can be beneficial in the curriculum. It’s interesting to note that the solutions proposed to address this (not shown here) tend to be divided between those who think we should make more training available, and those who think it’s a leadership issue.
I have to say, I’m in the latter camp, and I am tempted to agree with UK ICT consultant Bill Gibbon when he says we should have compulsory courses like SLICT (Strategic Leadership in ICT) courses for senior leadership teams.
Could it be, perhaps, that there is insufficient research into the benefits of ICT? Well, a sizeable minority apparently thinks so, but I agree with ICT consultant Doug Woods’ view:
Actually NO there is plenty of evidence and research into benefits but it is generally not readily available to edtech leaders in school. We need a central resource to collate this research findings, even where contradictory, and make them easily available.
Perhaps not surprisingly, given that most of the respondents hail from the UK, where Becta and the QDCA have been given notice to close down, a lack of impartial big picture guidance is the second-most frequently cited issue facing ICT leaders. I think a lot of people will agree with ICT Co-ordinator Steff Rooney that the Becta self-review framework can (should?) be used to highlight weaknesses in a school’s ICT provision. Let’s hope it’s eventually mothballed rather than disposed of altogether.
This is literally just a quick snapshot. I’ll spend more time on it over the summer break. That gives you time to complete the Issues for Ed Tech Leadership survey if you haven’t already done so -- it should take you only a few minutes.