New! Updated ICT and Qualifications List now available
It's ready at last! Oh joy!
You may have been led to believe that Computer Science is the only game in town as far as the EBacc and league tables are concerned.
It isn't.
And in any case, in my opinion what matters first and foremost is student choice.
I've spent so long slaving over a computer that I can't stand up straight
With this in mind I've compiled and updated a list of approved ICT and Computing qualifications and their alternatives. (ICT is still on the original DfE list, for some reason, so I've included it.)
To acquire this seminal piece of literature and research, all you have to do is complete a quick survey about the qualifications you're going to be offering to your students. Once you have done that and clicked "Submit", you'll be send a nice shiny pdf version of the list.
Thanks in advance, and here is the link: