ICT & Computing in Education

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New ed tech qualifications list

Illustration from pixabay.com Licence: CC0

A couple of years ago I compiled a list of ed tech-related qualifications available to schools and other institutions in the UK. I've now updated the list, and it's available in the form of a spreadsheet for subscribers to my newsletter, Digital Education.

The spreadsheet is a macro-enabled Excel workbook, but works on other platforms and without macros allowed, it just loses a bit of functionality. But it's still very usable.

Whether you're looking for ICT, Computing or something a bit out of the ordinary, like an e-safety qualification, you should find what you want in this spreadsheet. I have included only those qualifications that won't disappear this year, and which are either available to teach now or will be in the future.

I've also sorted the spreadsheet on 4 criteria:

  1. Status, ie whether it is available now or in the future.
  2. Subject area.
  3. Level.
  4. Title.

The spreadsheet is also filterable (in Excel), and searchable of course.

If you subscribe to Digital Education already, you'll find the spreadsheet in the subscribers-only area, the password for which is in your Welcome email.

If you're not a subscriber, please consider becoming one -- it won't cost you any money! Details here: Digital Education