ICT & Computing in Education

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Coming soon in Digital Education

I have the following themed 'specials' coming up in my newsletter, Digital Education (not necessarily in the order shown here).

Spreadsheet special

Spreadsheet on laptop, from Stencil. Licence: CC0

Spreadsheets are definitely not boring or outdated. They are a brilliant tool for teachers needing to analyse data quickly, and they can be used to help teach programming concepts.

Robots and Artificial Intelligence

Robot with big eyes, from Stencil. Licence: CC0

A round-up of articles on various aspects of AI and robots, designed to spark debate in the classroom.

The gender issue

Woman at computer, from Stencil. Licence: CC0

It would be nice to think there is no longer a gender issue, but unfortunately that is not the case. In this 'special' I hope to explore the issues from a wider perspective than only education technology.

Is educational research worth the paper it's written on?

Research checklist, from Stencil. Licence: CC0

An exploration of whether or not it's worth reading reports of educational research, and what makes good research in the first place.

Reading matters

Books, from Stencil. Licence: CC0

A round-up of useful books for the teacher of Computing.

All this plus news, views and reviews. The newsletter is now in its 17th year. If you'd like to subscribe (still free!), please go to the newsletters page on this website.