ICT & Computing in Education

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Arduino: The ultimate guide to Arduino, including projects, programming tips & tricks, and much more!

This book seems fairly comprehensive, if not exactly bedtime reading. It looks at the different models available, how to program the Arduino, and gives you some simple projects to try out. If you're planning to get pupils to create applications using the Arduino, but are not an expert yourself, this book will probably be a good place to start. At the very least, it should help you to become familiar with the terminology and give you the self-confidence required to conduct some interesting lessons.

Arduino: The ultimate guide to Arduino, including projects, programming tips & tricks, and much more!, by Geoff Adams.

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This article first appeared in my newsletter, Digital Education. The 'Books in Brief' section is a recent addition, designed to give subscribers the heads-up on interesting and useful-looking books without delving into masses of detail.

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