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The Amazing Computing Education Projects Book

Lots of people are preparing for teaching Computing in the next school year. I thought it would be interesting and useful to collate some ideas, concerns and resources into a free ebook. Read on to find out how you can get involved — and why you should.

What is it?

I’ve set up an online questionnaire. Once I’ve received a reasonable number of submissions, I’ll read them, check that the links to any suggested resources work, collate them and publish them.

“Fine”, I hear you say. “But I’m struggling a bit and trying to make the best of the situation. I don’t think I can provide any useful information."

An understandable response, though not necessarily an accurate one. You may well have thought of something very simple that other people haven’t. Or you may have discovered, or even created, a resource that others may find helpful.

So the answer to a question like "What sort of things am I looking for?”, is “Whatever you have found helpful, or interesting."

Why should you submit your ideas?

For three reasons:

First, if nobody submits any information, then nobody will gain anything from this exercise.

Second, by contributing your information you will almost certainly help others. Even by stating your concerns, you will be helping others to realise that they they are not alone.

Third, it’s a good way of bringing your ideas to a potentially very wide audience. Obviously, I can’t guarantee that, but when I conducted a similar effort a few years ago, to produce The Amazing Web 2.0 Projects Book, it was downloaded by at least 35,000 people ( I stopped keeping track when it reached that number!).

How can you submit your ideas?

By completing a fairly short online form, the URL of which is provided below.

Why should this exercise work?

Well, it has done before, when 35,000+ people downloaded The Amazing Web 2.0 Projects Book, so hopefully it will again.


Now! The deadline for submissions is Midnight GMT on 30th April 2014.

OK, I’m convinced. Where’s the form?

Here ya go:


Please feel free to pass this on to other people. The address of the questionnaire is Computer Education Projects Book form.

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