ICT & Computing in Education

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Coming soon on this website


I've got a ton of great new content coming up on this website over the next week. Each morning there is a checklist sort of article planned, and every afternoon there is a focus on a Web 2.0 project submitted for inclusion in the second edition of the Web 2.0 projects book I'm compiling. (Incidentally, please see this article for an important update about that.)

I have also been working on the next issue of Computers in Classrooms. This will feature a report on the recent Handheld Learning Conference, a guest article by Neil Howie on Adobe's Creative Suite 4, an article about why you need an elevator speech, and several reviews, including the following books:

  • The making of a digital world
  • The Well-Fed Writer
  • Totally Wired
  • Wikified Schools

What I also intend doing is putting up a page on this website where people can buy the books I review, from Amazon. (Please bear in mind that by purchasing a book in this manner, you will be helping to keep a whole family out of the debtors' prison. Mind you, I have not exactly given a resounding recommendation to one of the books listed above, so perhaps I should defer my desert island retirement plans for now.)

There may be more (hopefully, will be more), but I'd rather under-promise and over-deliver than the converse of that!

I am pleased that there has been quite a lot of interest in this new website, and as you may have noticed I am working like crazy to get new content up here. In fact, at the moment I am posting at the rate of at least two articles a day. I'm always interested in hearing from potential contributors to the newsletter and website, and guest-bloggers and reciprocating that on other people's blogs. If that is of interest to you, then please get in touch, using one of the myriad options on the Contact Us page.

Enough of this persiflage! There's another (hopefully useful) article coming in around 6.5 hours' time, containing a whole load of ideas for an ICT Co-ordinators' (sometimes known as Technology Co-ordinators) day. Yes, it's true: they do not have to consist of a load of boring people reading out their PowerPoint slides!

Do subscribe to the RSS feed if you don't want to miss it! In fact, why not subscribe even if you do want to miss it? After all, you don't have to read it, and there'll be another one at 16:30 anyway, and you won't want to miss that!